Moral Support in the Time of the Pandemic: Discourse-Interactive Strategies Used in Comments Addressed to People with Covid-19
The aim of this article is to analyse the discourse-interactive strategies applied by Spanish speakers in YouTube comments addressed to people infected by COVID-19. We are especially interested in the mechanisms that reflect support and solidarity. Our main assumption is that the comments that accompany YouTube videos constitute a special type of communication which, though not fulfilling the prototypical principle of “interactive reciprocity”, demonstrates a considerable level of interpersonal and interactive mutual influence. The strategies analysed (including greetings, expressive vocative forms, verbal empathy and signals of interest, compliments and praise, religious invocations, etc.) seem to indicate that the “pandemic reality” has contributed to the creation of a certain type of virtual community of practice that, in its own way, fulfils the interactive principle of solidarity, whilst simultaneously evaluating the time of the coronavirus epidemic.
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