Between Social Need and Language Potential: On the Possibilities of Realising the Equivalence of Female Personal and Professional Names in Polish and German – an Update
The socioculturally determined need for corresponding forms of expression is often different in various cultural circles, which is in turn influenced by social factors. However, the socially determined use of language is only possible within the framework of the currently available linguistic means. This paper presents the recent results of a survey the problem formulated in the title conducted among women in Germany and Poland. The aim of the study was to examine, 10 years after the last similarly designed survey, the development and possible changes in the linguistic realisation of female personal names in German and Polish language use. The study differs from other research in that here the use of the language is presented in relation to the language users themselves. A certain asymmetry in the formation and use of feminine personal names is confirmed between German and Polish. However, it is not merely an expression of attitudes, and cannot serve as the sole criterion for an evaluation of the mentality of a particular cultural group; it is also partly conditioned by the possibilities of the language system itself.
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