On Existence Again. An Attempt at a Recapitulation
In the paper, I put forward my views on the topic of existence. I do it by focusing on three distinctions: between static conceptions of existence and dynamic ones; between existence (of something) as a fact and as a principle of being; and between the limited existence of contingent beings and the Divine existence itself. I try to defend the cognitive value of the second parts of these distinctions in ontological and theological contexts. In my opinion, existence as a dynamic factor of being makes the difference between real and intentional objects, as well as between real (actual) and potential states of the world. Existence is also a necessary condition of proper activities of beings. In the final parts of the article I discuss some objections stated by Marek Piwowarczyk in his essay “Troubles with an Analysis of Facts of Existence.” I maintain that most of these (or similar) difficulties can be resolved by means of tools present in Barry Miller’s conception of existence.
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