Polacy w Grecji. Cz. II. Udział Polaków w greckiej gospodarce paralelnej

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Krystyna Romaniszyn


Illegal economic migration from Poland to Greece has started in the midst of eighties. Since then Polish undocumented workers has established themselves well in the Greek parallel economy. On the whole they are concentrated in some selected jobs. Men undertake jobs in renewal and construction firms, women mostly clean private houses as non-resident part-time domestics. Another types of a job for both sexes are created by the tourist industry, agriculture and fruitgrowing. There are several ways of acquiring a job illegally in Greece. Some of Polish undocumented workers come to work already found for them by relatives or friends, others take over jobs after people who leave Greece. Still others buy jobs from compatriots or from agencies. While staying and working in Athens, where majority of them live, Polish illegal migrants created their own circle of small enterprises such as: private kindergartens, home hairdressing salons, renewal and construction firms, home equipment repairing centres. Existing without a right to exist they are situated within the Greek parallel economy which is a natural milieu for them. Polish illegal migrants as customers of many legal Greek firms earning money by, among others, providing services to them serve these firms well. Thus, on the one hand, illegal economic migration from Poland broadens the sector of the parallel economy finding employment there and creating their own circle within it. But on the other hand, as customers of legal firms, they contribute to the development of the formal sector.

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