Duszpasterstwo Polonii włoskiej

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Henryk Misztal


Polish immigrants in Italy, mostly veterans of the Second World War total c. 1,500 settled in nine centers such as Rome, Arezzo, Florence, Forli, Lecce, Loretto, Milan, Naples, San Sepolcro and Turni. In Rome alone there live c. 300 Polish families. Among the immigrants aged 40-60 there- are c. 60 per cent of blue collar workers and c. 40 per cent of white collar workers. They constitute a single personal parish cared for by Bishop Szczepan Wesoły who is represented by Father Marian Burniak. In Rome the Polish priest says masses and conducts services, preaches and confers in the Polish language at St. Stanislaus’ Church at 15, via Botteghe Oscure. He also meets his flock at the parish hall every Sunday. Personal contacts of the priest and his parishioners take the form of not only visits at home, work or hospital but correspondence as well. Other centres are visited by the Polish priest a few times a year. Apart from advantages of religious nature, labours of the Polish priest in Italy contribute to the Cultivation of the Polish language, culture and customs, and prevent integration of Italian Poles into the local society.

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