Powszechne powołanie do świętości a Eucharystia

  • Henryk Misztal


In view of the universal calling to holiness as expressed by Christ the Lord Himself, and reminded by the teaching of Vatican Council II and recent popes, the author shows the basic truth that holiness is accessible to everybody, is carried out in the Church and through the Church. The communion of the Church on pilgrimage, the suffering and the glorious Church is carried out in the Communion of the Saints. The centre of the Church’s life, the climax of holiness is the perfect union with Christ, a union whose foretaste we have in Holy Communion. The Eucharist was and is the source of sanctification both ontological (through the grace which it bears along) and moral, for it is a nourishment for those who follow the poor, suffering and cross bearing Christ.

Polish saints and the blessed, as our compatriots, give us an example of how to love the Eucharist and how to be sanctified by it. The material canon law took over for its benefit the whole doctrine about the Eucharist as the ultimate source of sanctification. The formal law, that is the canonization procedure, sees in the attitude to the Eucharist that the candidates to altars manifest a genuine test of holiness.
