The Evolution of the Role of Polish Emigration Organisations After the January Uprising (Until 1880)

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Daniel Kiper


This article discusses the changing functions of Polish organisations in exile after 1864. After the failure of the January Uprising, there were fundamental changes in the ways in which émigré communities organised themselves. The model of political and conspiracy organisations ceased to dominate at that time. In their place, self-help, tax, professional, educational and philanthropic societies were established by the leaders of the émigré communities. However, the process of their development was different in each of the countries of Western Europe and depended on the political and social conditions in which Poles lived. The societies in Germany and Switzerland developed most dynamically, whereas those in the British Isles experienced most difficulties. The organisational development of Polish organisations in the United States until 1880 was also discussed separately. The current state of research on these organisations may serve as a basis for the delineation of a new area of studies on Polish emigration in the second half of the 19th century.

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