From the Kraków collection: two pencil sketches by Norwid

  • Edyta Chlebowska John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


The article presents two drawings: Odpoczynek podczas ucieczki do Egiptu and Starzec z laską i dwie siedzące postaci, which shall be included in the register of Cyprian Norwid’s artistic heritage, discussing their origin and themes, and attempting to place the sketches in the context of Norwid’s early work contained in his sketchbooks and Album berliński.

Biogram autora

Edyta Chlebowska, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Edyta Chlebowska, PhD, art historian, employed at the Centre for the Study of Cyprian Norwid’s Literature and Art, Catholic University of Lublin


[A. Marrené-Morzkowska], Grupa poetów z 1840 r. Cyprian Norwid, “Przegląd Tygodniowy” 1879, no. 2, p. 41.

Chlebowska E., ‘Portret matrony’ i ‘Starzec’. Nieznane rysunki Norwida, “Studia Norwidiana” 36: 2018, pp. 179-191.

Chlebowska E., Cyprian Norwid. Katalog prac plastycznych, vol. 1: Prace w albumach 1, Lublin 2014.

Chlebowska E., Szmaragd cesarza Tyberiusza – ‘prawdziwe’ wizerunki Chrystusa w twórczości Norwida, “Studia Norwidiana” 36: 2018, pp. 117-140.
