The time of the “black sun”

  • Dariusz Pniewski Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Słowa kluczowe: czas; przemijanie, doświadczenie, wzniosłość, melancholia, dagerotypia, historia fotografii, fotografia i poezja


The text concerns the literary presentation of experiencing time that was characteristic of Romantics. In his latest book, Piotr Śniedziewski mentions time as a problem considered by 19th-century artists several times. The article presents this issue using the current reflection on the experience (Frank Ankersmit’s “historical sublime experience”) and the findings concerning the impact of photography that has been developing rapidly since 1839, on the way the literary represented world is shaped, as well as the use of photography as a tool of analysing time (“the visual model of time”).


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Benjamin W., Charles Baudelaire, un poète lyrique à l’apogée du capitalisme, Paris: Éditions Payot 1982.

Edwards P., Le soileil noir. Photographie et littérature des origines au surréalisme, Rennes: Presses Universitaires ed Rennes, 2008.

Edwards P., Paul Valéry et Étienne-Jules Marey: de l’instantané à la durée. e-Bulletin des Amis de Marey et des Musées de Beaune – Villa Médicis, 2014 (no pagination), [accessed on 28 December 2018].

Jossua J.-P., Aimer Nerval, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf 2014.

Kimura M., Le mythe du savoir: naissance et évolution de la pensée scientifique chez Paul Valéry (1880 – 1920), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2008.

Lausanne à travers les âges, M. van Muyden et al., Publié par la Municipalité de Lausanne, Librarie Rouge, Lausanne 1906, [accessed on 2 January 2019].

Sekula A., Społeczne użycia fotografii, red. K. Lewandowska, trans. K. Pijarski, Warszawa: Zachęta. Narodowa Galeria Sztuki i Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2010.

Śniedziewski P., Czarne słońca romantyków, Warszawa: Wyd. Sic! 2018.
