Between “completeness” and “lack”

  • Sławomir Rzepczyński Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk
Słowa kluczowe: Romantyzm, Norwid, filozofia dialogu, feminizm, myśl antycypacyjna


The article presents a review of Dominika Wojtasińska’s book O koncepcji kobiety “zupełnej” w pismach Cypriana Norwida [On the Concept of a ”Complete” Woman in the Writings by Cyprian Norwid]. The book is an attempt at capturing Norwid’s view of the essence, place and role of women in the context of the transformation of 19th-century society. In her reflections, the author refers to the following contexts: biographical, sociological and religious; she also refers to 20th-century Christian feminism and to the philosophy of dialogue represented by Emmanuel Lévinas and Józef Tischner. The researcher is searching for the models of the female “completeness” in the ancient and biblical tradition and in the medieval historical tradition. In her book, the author presents Norwid as a poet who anticipates the 20th-century emancipatory movements and Christian feminist concepts.


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