Ciemny hieroglif, czyli o kolejnych próbach rozjaśniania Norwida

  • Dominika Wojtasińska
Słowa kluczowe: Norwid; ciemność; hieroglif; konferencja studencko-doktorancka


The review is concerned with the book Hieroglifem zapisane. Cyprian Norwid (Noted in hieroglyphics. Cyprian Norwid) that appeared under the imprint of Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Polish Philology Department of the University of Warsaw), and that is the outcome of the conference organized by the Warsaw Norwidological Circle. The texts by experienced Norwidologists, doctoral students and university students included in it show in how many different ways the “darkness” of the work of the author of Vade-mecum is understood. The many issues and the ways they are interpreted provoke more questions concerning the alleged Norwid’s “hieroglyphic character”.
