„Ze zwykłą sobie głębokością i oryginalnością zdania”. Dictum Cypriana Norwida w krakowskim „Kraju” z 1872 roku

  • Radosław Okulicz-Kozaryn Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Słowa kluczowe: Norwid; dictum; poezja tyrtejska; literatura postyczniowa


The point of departure for the article are Cyprian Norwid’s words quoted in the Krakow daily “Kraj” in January 1872. They were used in the review of the anonymous poem Niewolnik, in which the emigration poet is shown in the role of an authority deciding about the proper approach to poetical testimonies to struggle for freedom. Norwid’s oral opinion used by the reviewer is concerned with another, also anonymous poem. The reviewer remains anonymous as well. In his analysis of the newspaper publication and of the circumstances accompanying it Okulicz-Kozaryn clarifies these unknown issues: he identifies the authors of both poems as well as of the review, at the same time finding out that Norwid’s words are a different, richer version of the poet’s dictum recorded briefly in another place.
