Norwid’s forgotten manuscript in the collections of the National Library of Ukraine in Kiev

  • Józef Franciszek Fert
Słowa kluczowe: Cyprian Norwid; autograph; copy of the autograph; La religion de Mr le Sénateur Comte Victor Hugo; Władysław Chodźkiewicz; “Bluszcz”; Kiev; Uman


The article presents the place of keeping (National Library of Ukraine in Kiev), the state of preservation and the juxtaposition with well-known publications of one of Norwid’s late poems, which is a kind of ironic mockery of the idolatry attitude of the French Republic of that time towards Victor Hugo. The manuscript has not been previously used as an important material in any editorial compilations of Norwid’s works; they used the first print of the poem published as part of Władysław Chodźkiewicz’s feature in the Warsaw periodical “Bluszcz” 1880, vol. 39, and its copy, which Chodźkiewicz received from Norwid. The article presents textual differences (relating mainly to punctuation) between the known versions of the poem and its Kyivan autograph.


Helleniusz E. [pseud.: Iwanowski Eustachy], Matka Boska na Jasnej Górze, Królowa Korony Polskiej. Pamiątka z z pielgrzymki odbytej w R. P. 1848, Paris 1852.

Norwid C., Dzieła zebrane, vol. II: Dodatek krytyczny, J.W. Gomulicki (ed.), Warszawa 1966.

Norwid C., Pisma do dziś w całości lub fragmentach odszukane, vol. IX: Listy, część druga, Z. Przesmycki (ed.), Warszawa 1937.

Norwid C., Pisma wszystkie, compiled, edited, introduced and critically annotated by J. W. Gomulicki, vol. X: Listy 1873-1883, Warszawa 1971.

Słownik języka Cypriana Norwida. Materiały, Cyprian Norwid Language Dictionary Division, University of Warsaw.

Trojanowiczowa Z., Lijewska E., with Pluta M., Kalendarz życia i twórczości Cypriana Norwida, vol. II: 1861-1883, Poznań 2007.
