Portret matrony and Starzec. Norwid’s unknown drawings

  • Edyta Chlebowska The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Institute for the Study of Cyprian Norwid’s Literature
Słowa kluczowe: Cyprian Norwid; Polish drawing of the 19th century; portrait


The article aims to present two previously unknown drawings by Norwid which have recently been added to the artistic legacy of the creator of Solo. The first of the discussed sketches is Portret matrony z herbem Pierzchała from 1864, which is most likely the image of Laura Czosnowskanée Górska or Maria Przezdziecka née Tyzenhauz. The second drawing, showing the running old man, comes from Norwid’s sketchbook kept in the collection of the National Museum in Krakow.
