Wobec mozaiki zalet i wad

  • Paulina Abriszewska Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Słowa kluczowe: Cyprian Norwid; Promethidion; Rzecz o wolności słowa; Architektura słowa; Henryk Siewierski


The article is both an appraisal of Henryk Siewierski’s interpretations contained in the volume Architektura słowa i inne szkice o Norwidzie (Architecture of the Word and Other Sketches on Norwid), and a debate with them. The aim of the text is a detailed analysis of particular studies by Siewierski: pointing to their faults and advantages. Another equally important plan is an attempt at answering the question about topicality, or about a possibility to use the readings of Norwid’s works that Siewierski offers in a modern Norwidian discourse.
