O Norwidowskim Sokratesie

  • Maciej Junkiert Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Słowa kluczowe: Tomasz Mackiewicz; Sokrates; hellenizm


The article is a review of Tomasz Mackiewicz’s book devoted to the figure and activities of Socrates in Norwid’s work. Mackiewicz’s book takes up an extremely important issue in the studies of the poet’s work. It has been present in the tradition of studies for many decades and Mackiewicz’s publication surely opens a new chapter in the reflection over Norwid. It is the more so because Norwid’s Socratism is concerned with so important problems as: Socrates’ irony, maieutics and poetry, self-creations and biographic myth-making, moral duties of poetry.
