Rozważania o „pamięci romantyzmu”

  • Łukasz Niewczas Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: pamięć; romantyzm; historia; współczesność; Trybuś; Assman; Mickiewicz; Słowacki; Norwid; Benjamin; Miłosz


Krzysztof Trybuś's book is inscribed in the strong current of deliberations about memory that is present in modern humanities. It is devoted to the “memory of Romanticism”, with the main issue discussed by the author in a double perspective. Firstly: he reconstructs the record of memory that can be found in works by great Polish Romantics. Secondly: he confronts the Romantic project of memory with our modernity, checking its today's topicality.

Analysis of the discourse of memory in Mickiewicz's, Słowacki's and Norwid's works constitutes the basic part of the book. In a convincing way the author analyzes the motifs, forms and mnemonic strategies typical of Polish Romantics, showing, how the record of memory in Polish Romanticism is opposed to the official historical narration.
