Niektóre problemy edytorskie w dramatach Norwida

  • Julian Maślanka Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Słowa kluczowe: edytorstwo; dramat; Norwid; tekst; edycja


The present paper contains information about dramas in editions of Cyprian Kamil Norwid's writings published up till now, and especially about editorial differences between them, mainly in the field of language, and to a lesser degree, in the field of punctuation. These results are then compared with the text of dramas prepared for a new edition of Norwid's works (Collected Works) that started to appear in 2007 under the imprint of the Learned Society of the Catholic University of Lublin. The Author of the present article has prepared dramas for the edition, taking the poet's autographs or (in case of their being lost) their first edition as the basis. It has turned out that a considerable number of corrections had to be made in the new edition of the text of Norwid's dramas, which is illustrated in the article by numerous examples.

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