Kaaba versus ringtheater – the Holy Cross Church – Warsaw’s pogrom: two worlds and three tragedies in Modlitwa (1882) by Cyprian Norwid

  • Bogdan Burdziej Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Keywords: Cyprian Norwid, Romantic literature, literature and history, literary parable, literary prayer, Ringtheater, Vienna, pogrom, Warsaw pogrom of Jews in 1881, Islam in literature, Kaaba in literature, Muslim rosary in literature


The article focuses on Modlitwa [Prayer], a short prose piece written by Cyprian Norwid towards the end of his life. The phrase “pod wrażeniem Teatru wiedeńskiego” [“under the impression of the Viennese theatre”] is read here as an indication that, despite the Arab setting, the plot and other elements of this piece draw on three tragic events directly preceding its composition in January 1882: the fire at the Ringtheater on 8 December 1881 and two events in Warsaw: the panic in the Holy Cross Church during Christmas Mass on 25 December, and the three-day-long pogrom of the Jewish community on 25–27 December. Uncovering these contexts, as suggested by Norwid, makes it possible to interpret Modlitwa as a parable which, by criticizing secularization, shows the way towards God and the fullness of prayer.

Author Biography

Bogdan Burdziej, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Bogdan Burdziej is a historian of literature and professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. He is author of the following books: Inny świat ludzkiej nadziei. „Szkice” Adama Szymańskiego na tle literatury zsyłkowej (1991); Super flumina Babylonis. Psalm 136(137) w literaturze polskiej XIX i XX wieku (1998); Izrael i krzyż. Tematy żydowskie w literaturze polskiej XIX wieku (2014). He co-edited the monographs Zygmunt Krasiński – nowe spojrzenia (2001), Poezja i astronomia (2006), Sienkiewicz dzisiaj. Formy (nie)obecności (2010), Italia. Inspiracje włoskie w literaturach słowiańskich (special issue of the journal Litteraria Copernicana, 2011), Wiktor Gomulicki znany i nieznany (2012); Profesor – Pamięci Artura Hutnikiewicza (special issue of the journal Litteraria Copernicana, 2016) and edited the following books: A. Szymański, Szkice (1998); F. Łasiewicki, Pamiętniki Woźnego Cenzury (1995); F. Jaskólski, Pasterze na Bachorzy. Sielanki kujawskie (2005).


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