Werytatywna wiarygodność Kościoła w świetle myśli teologicznej H. U. von Balthasara

  • Jarosław Przytuła Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Zamojsko-Lubaczowskiej
Słowa kluczowe: Balthasar; prawda; werytatywny argument; werytatywna wiarygodność; wiarygodność Kościoła


The article analyzes the veritative credibility of the catholic Church according to H. U. von Balthasar. We are trying to answer the question: Does the Church transmit the truth revealed in Jesus Christ in an honest and intact way?

Despite changeable, philosophical and cultural directions the doctrine and moral rules of the Church remain constant and in accordance with ecclesiastical tradition. Christianity creates its credibility trough consequent interpretation and proclamation of the Divine Word. The Church interprets mysteries revealed by God in an infallible way, cares about the Biblical canon, meditates on Divine books, explores them and lives according to them. Existence of the ecclesiastical office eliminates attempts of subjective and incorrect understanding of the revelation. The Church fulfils its veritative mission with help of theology, which reads the Divine revelation in new contexts. Church's veritative credibility is created also by the liturgy which makes saving work present and shows the God's Revelation as something living and dynamic. Compatibility between confessed faith and life is the greatest argument for authenticity and credibility of the Church. The revealed truth shows its beauty and power in acts of charity and love.


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