Sensotwórczy wymiar Objawienia Bożego według adhortacji Verbum Domini Benedykta XVI
Diverse areas of studies are concerned with the answer to the inquiry on the meaning of human existence. Also theology, referring to the Divine Revelation, points out to the meaning of existence, revealed by God. Also Benedict XVI refers to this issue in his apostolic exhortation Verbum Domini – On the Word of God in the life and mission of the Church. Indicating the Eternal Word, that entered the time and was pronounced in human way, at the same time the Holy Father convinces us, that for the person receiving this Word in faith, it can be the source of the meaning of existence. The Divine Revelation becomes the source of the meaning of human life thanks to its rationality, through responses it provides for the deepest human inquiries and desires, and thanks to the perspective of fullness of life transcending the limits of temporality. The meaning of human existence revealed in the Word of God, is properly understood and most fully accessible in the Church. The community of God's people is called to reveal the Eternal Word faithfully as reality, which can be lived, and thanks to which one can live.
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