Jesus as „Son of Mary” in the Koran
The title „Son of Mary”, depicted in the article, belongs to the most early and the most popular qualifications of Jesus in the Koran. It appears 23 times independently as well as in the combination with other titles and qualifications of Jesus. It characterizes his biography and includes a theological message. Its use is related not only to the presentation of Jesus’ person and life, but was useful in Mohammed’s polemic with Christians and Jews. The Koran’s monotheism and the person of Mary strengthen the human nature of Jesus which is emphasized in the title „Son of Mary”. Both Allah’s creating word and extraordinary conception, the birth of Jesus as well as the exceptionality of Mary and her son are involved to the essence of the title in three mentioned aspects: biographical, theological and polemical. Jesus as „Son of Mary” was a historical figure; who was wanted by Allah; who came into being in an extraordinary way; who realized with devotion the mission, the essential part of which was the part of mother. The virginal conception and birth of Jesus as miraculous action of God is neither the proof of Jesus’ deity nor of Allah’s fatherhood. According to the Koran Jesus is and remains the real man as well as the only and exceptional „Son of Mary”.
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