Charyzmatyczno-kenotyczny wymiar przynależności do Kościoła

  • Jarosław Moskałyk Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Słowa kluczowe: charyzmat; kenoza; Duch Święty; przynależność do Kościoła


The entire New Covenant, penetrated by the Spirit, introduces man to the events from the life of Christ. These events are best presented and continued in the Church. He who accepts the gift of membership in the Body of Christ simultaneously accepts membership in the charisma of the Holy Spirit. Thus, one is no longer merely an individual – one finds the strength to exist and act together with others for common good.

The true communion in community with others makes one better understand the charisma of one’s belonging to the Church. The entire charismatic reality of the Church empowers her members to bravely follow the apostles. An open relation to the Church makes one see her as imperfect, limited with human fault, i.e. marked with kenotic reality. The perspective of charismatic and kenotic realization of the Church even more strongly reveals the Church’s redemptory mission in the world. Simultaneously it becomes a stimulus for all believers for a truly Christian identification.


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