The Paschal Canon of St John Damascene as the Liturgical Realization of the Hesychast Spirituality

  • Krzysztof Leśniewski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: St John Damascene; The Paschal Canon; Hesychasm; Monody


This article deals with the Paschal Canon of St John Damascene in relation to the Orthodox service of the Easter Night and the hesychast spirituality. After the short presentation of Damascene’s life, it starts explaining the difference between singing and music from the biblical point of view as it has been taught in the Russian Orthodox Church. Then, it is posed the point that St John Damascene had belonged to the hesychast spiritual and monastic tradition. This argument is evident if one takes into account that one of his writings has been included in the Philokalia. Following this, the text presents the structure and the liturgical setting of the Paschal Canon as an additional evidence for the interrelationship of liturgical and hesychast traditions. Finally, it gives a concise analysis of the theological contents of the Paschal Canon, concerning on some important topics, such as liberation, freedom, light, purification of senses, the Good News, hope, faith in the Resurrected Lord, and the eternal life.


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