Kochać znaczy widzieć. Wokół teologicznej epistemologii J. Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI

  • Jerzy Szymik Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Słowa kluczowe: teologia; epistemologia; świadek; miłość; doświadczenie; relacje; poznanie; szczęście; grzech pierworodny; decyzja; nawrócenie


J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI indicates existential and moral conditions underlying our understanding of God: our original experience in relations with others, the first image of God, instilled in us, but also our personal decisions, including ethical choices. Finally, a man seeks the source of security or a threat to his/her own freedom in God's look (the Eye of Providence). Consequently he/she accepts or rejects God as a witness of his/her own fate. The Pope convinces that a humble consent for being visible constitutes a sign of conversion, which − in turn − leads to understanding God − a Faithful Witness, who can see and save us.
