Humanizm personalistyczny w koncepcji ks. Wincentego Granata

  • Krzysztof Guzowski Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Słowa kluczowe: humanizm; humanizm personalistyczny; personalizm; osoba; Chrystus; Wcielenie; ks. Wincenty Granat


The article discusses the conception of personalistic humanism as it was defined by the Lublin dogmatist and personalist, Rev. Prof. Wincenty Granat. According to him only maintaining the concept of the person as an actually existing being may prevent the humanist thought from being manipulated by ideology or subjectivism. Reduction anthropologies approaching only acertain aspect of the truth about man are not – in the theologian's opinion – sufficient for protecting the dignity of the human person. The author of the article, Krzysztof Guzowski, emphasizes that in Granat's conception the truth of the Incarnation and the very teaching by Jesus are significant arguments for the thesis that the term “personalistic humanism” may include evangelical humanism. Jesus not only affirms human nature by His Incarnation, but He expresses the same by His teaching and His attitude as well.
