Elementy hermeneutyki chrystologicznej w Encyklice Redemptor hominis

  • Grzegorz Barth Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Słowa kluczowe: chrystologia; hermeneutyka; Jan Paweł II; Jezus Chrystus; osoba; personalizm


The encyclical Redemptor hominis that was published 30 years ago is still a living source from which one may draw power that inspires him to reflect on the mystery of Jesus Christ as well as on the whole reality. It contains elements of Christological hermeneutics allowing to better understand and interpret the reality of God, the world and man in the light of the person of Christ. Via the mystery of Incarnation He is the hermeneutic structure of every being. It is in Him that the depth and universality of the code that interprets every individual, concrete aspect of reality (Universale Concretum), since the whole reason, natural regularity and moral norm, meaning and value that appear in the world, are integrated and brought to perfection in this one particular Logos that became a man.
