Typy psychologiczne w recepcji i przekazie słowa Bożego

  • Władysław Chaim Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Archidiecezji Krakowskiej
Słowa kluczowe: psychologia kaznodziejstwa; Metoda Interpretacji Biblijnej i Przepowiadania Liturgicznego SIFT; typy psychiczne; homiletyka


This paper presents research on the use of C. G. Jung's personality typology in pastoral work, especially in preaching and sermons. This paper shows one of the many uses of psychology in pastoral work. Jung's typology and the related empirical methodology can be used to describe and psychologically interpret the interaction between a text and a sermon; between the preaching and the listener. Moreover, these tools also allow the theological and hermeneutic advancement in the reception of the Bible, written and spoken sermons, and to get insight into the psychological principles governing the choice of content and style of preaching. One of the most important research advancements in this domain is the SIFT Method of Biblical Interpretation and Liturgical Preaching. Research results may help preachers reflect upon their practice and make them prone to use this knowledge in their pastoral practice.


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