Miejsce i rola współczesnych mediów w katechezie

  • Paweł Mąkosa Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Słowa kluczowe: katecheza; media; edukacja religijna


In the reflection carried out attempts to answer the question about the relationship between catechesis and media in Poland. It was agreed that the guarantee of orthodoxy and integrity of catechesis give only the Catholic media, acting under control of the competent authority of the Church. In the course of reflection have been presented indications of the Church concerning the mass media and criteria for their catholicity. It has been shown the importance of media for catechesis and presented the most important existing in Poland Catholic media and their coverage. Among the postulates dominated those concerning the creation of Catholic media and the preparation of professional staff who would take care about both content and form.


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