Ewangelizacja odpowiedzią na potrzeby współczesnego Kościoła

  • Tomasz Kopiczko Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Ełku
Słowa kluczowe: ewangelizacja; duszpasterstwo; Franciszek Blachnicki


Today's pastorate is looking for topical models of preaching the Gospel. The article presents Franciszek Blachnicki's proposition that any pastoral work should be based on the Gospel. Experience shows that a considerable part of Christians do not fully live according to the Gospel. This leads to the conclusion that most practicing Catholics need to be evangelized. The need to preach the truth of the faith is ever more necessary also among those people who are christened, but have never accepted Christ as the Lord and the Savior. Also the postulate of a well-thought out pastorate is distinct, where through a clear vision mature attitudes are formed. Such a model of pastorate based on evangelization ultimately is to lead to building the community of the Church.


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