Katechetyczne funkcje pielgrzymki maturzystów

  • Piotr T. Goliszek Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii
Słowa kluczowe: pielgrzymka; sanktuarium; maturzyści; katecheza; nauczanie; wychowanie; wtajemniczenie; ewangelizacja


The pilgrimage is a symbol of the wandering of man – homo viator – following in the Savior's footprints. It means leaving oneself in order to encounter God. Pupils who are about to take their school-leaving examinations set out to the pilgrim's trail. They go to Jasna Góra to join their numerous personal problems together, in front of the Mother of God’s picture. This pilgrimage has a great catechetic significance. In its particular stages all the functions ofcatechesis are realized: teaching, educating, initiating ones, that organically are joined in the evangelization process. Hence harmonious joining religion teaching at school and the parish catechesis with the pupils' pilgrimage has a great significance for the catechetic ministry. It is a communal celebration of faith held together by young people, teachers, tutors, and catechists. It is a way of learning about Christ – a way leading to one’s own inner personal world.


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