Edukacyjne i społecznościowe portale jako nowe przestrzenie w warsztacie pracy i doskonalenia kreatywnego nauczania religii

  • Anna Zellma Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Słowa kluczowe: nauczyciel religii, permanentna formacja, doskonalenie zawodowe, nauczanie religii, portale edukacyjne, portale społecznościowe, Internet, technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne


Development of information-communication technologies determines new educational tasks a religion teacher faces. They are connected, among others, with using the computer and the Internet in the process of teaching religion. Along with these tasks the range is widened of social demands from religion teachers who, apart from the knowledge of the subject they teach, from the knowledge of methodology of teaching, and the testimony of faith, should be competent as far as using the information-communication technologies available to their students, is concerned. These technologies include the information in social networking services. With reference to this issue, in the article first the terms are defined: „educational web portal” and „social networking service”. Next, the most important web portals, which can be used by a religion teacher, are characterized. In this context the role is shown of educational portals and social networking services that should be used by religion teachers both when preparing and when conducting classes, as well as in their work on improving their workshop (mainly in the process of self-education). Also, the reader’s attention is drawn to a creative use of modern information-communication technologies, and to the resulting educational challenges.


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