Katechizacja osób w podeszłym wieku

  • Marian Zając Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Słowa kluczowe: katechizacja; podeszły wiek; andragog; pielgrzymka


The Church's catechetical document indicate a necessity of religious education of people who are at any period of their lives. In consequence, also people facing the end of their lives should be included in it. It seems that such people need a lot of spiritual support and of waking their hope in the situation when one's strength and living perspectives are getting weaker. The pilgrimage movement offering coach trips to sanctuaries and places where religious cult is practiced is a chance of religious education of such people. The reason for it is the fact that a pilgrimage has the same stages as human life. In order to make such education possible an educated and competent catechist is necessary, who knows the arcana of work with people of advanced age.


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