The Family as the milieu of pro-social and volontaristic formation of children

  • Wiesław Przygoda The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: family; social formation; pro-social education; caritas; charity formation; voluntary organization


One of the problems of the modern family are weak personal bonds between the spouses as well as between the parents and children. In Europe, and also in Poland, there are fewer and fewer multigenerational families; two-generational or even one-generational ones dominate. Moreover, taking into consideration the fact of low fertility in families the process of pro-social and volontaristic formation in the family appears as a challenge to the contemporary family. Success of the process of pro-social and volontaristic formation in the family depends on several factors, like: the full composition of the family, the family atmosphere, the number of children in the family, the mother’s career, the financial situation of the family and the family's religiousness. However, the most important condition for attaining success of the process is discovering, especially by the parents, God's plan, according to which the family is the least social unit and an irreplaceable community of love. Only a family trying to realize such a model of family life is able to bring up the kind of beautiful man who not only can „be with others”, but also „be for others”.


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