Duszpasterstwo rodzin osób niepełnosprawnych

  • Dariusz Lipiec Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii
Słowa kluczowe: niepełnosprawni; duszpasterstwo niepełnosprawnych; duszpasterstwo rodzin; duszpasterstwo rodzin niepełnosprawnych; rodziny osób niepełnosprawnych


The Church points to the fact that disabled people have the right to get married and start a family. This right results from those people’s personal dignity that has been given to them by God – the Creator. The possibility to start marital-familial communities by the disabled is a challenge for pastorate, as disability of the spouse negatively influences the realization of all the functions of the family. The basic role in the pastorate of the families of disabled people is played by the parish. Parish pastors should meet the spiritual and material needs of the disabled and their families. Their work should be permanent and systematic. Pastorate realized on the higher level, especially on the level of the diocese, has a great significance. It complements parish pastorate, meeting the spiritual, psychological, rehabilitation and social needs of the disabled and their families. A similar role is played by associations and foundations that are guided in their work by the Church’s social teaching.


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