Dobre i złe konflikty w grupie katechetycznej

  • Marian Zając Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Słowa kluczowe: konflikt; grupa; katecheza


Situations of conflict in the educational environment appear for a number of different reasons, and their transmissions in the media cause their escalation, as they present abrasive people as modern heroes. Up till now there have been attempts to explain conflicts by means of the existing concepts that belong to the sphere of dynamics of the group. However, it has to be remembered that a conflict is a clash caused by different attitudes, aims, or ways of acting. Anywhere where people show any aspirations conflicts are unavoidable. Controversies are not aroused by a man who does not do anything, or who has suppressed all his creative activities. From this perspective it can clearly be seen that conflicts may also be creative. Avoiding this type of conflicts systematically may lead to making the group barren, to a standstill and to a groove that has a destructive effect. When one has a difficult choice between repressions and democracy, God himself arouses hope, when he announces: “I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh” (Ezek 36, 26-28). In this way he foretells the possibility of reaching true harmony in the life of every human community. Solving situations of conflict in a catechetical group may happen through the acceptance of the seven factors that are the conditions for the prevalence of good spirit in the group. In this way the conflicted group may be shown good perspectives of its development.


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