Troska duszpasterstwa rodzin o małżeństwo i rodzinę

  • Ryszard Kamiński Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii
Słowa kluczowe: rodzina; małżeństwo; sakramentalność małżeństwa; duszpasterstwo rodzin; grupy rodzin; kręgi apostolatu rodziny; Kościół domowy


The article presents the founding idea of pastoral care of families as a sub-field of practical theology as well as its significance for the saving work of the Church. The issue is presented in several stages. The starting point is a reflection on the notion and unique nature of pastoral care of families, then it is presented as a scientific discipline but also an important element of the saving activity of the Church focused on the family. Also, the main areas of concern are outlined. The highlight of the article is point 5 attempting to show the idea of having a textbook for family pastoral work, an aid that has never been conceived in Poland. In fact the presentation is not a mere outline but quite a concrete and detailed plan.


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Teologia pastoralna. Red. R. Kamiński. T. 2: Teologia pastoralna szczegółowa. Lublin 2002.

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