Rodzina miejscem i szkołą apostolstwa

  • Grzegorz Pyźlak Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii
Słowa kluczowe: rodzina; apostolstwo; wiara; głoszenie Ewangelii; świadectwo człowieka; świadectwo życia


The family, as the place of the apostolic activities, should show the children and youths its beauty and the possibilities of the apostolate. This task is performed if the family becomes a focus of Divine and human love for its members. This is expressed in building vital relations between the spouses and the children. The dialog that originates between the husband and the wife on the one hand and the children on the other, protects and deepens their love. In maintaining and respecting love the spouses and children are consolidated by faith that opens them to God’s presence and activity in life, and teaches them humility and trust.

Both the husband and the wife are invited to undertake the evangelization tasks. Christian parents are the first teachers of faith and first educators for their children. Through word and example they prepare them for a Christian and apostolic life. Frequently children brought up in this way experience the reality of the circle they live in that is permeated with the spirit of apostolate, and they choose the particular way of monastic or priestly life, realizing the missionary vocation.

The apostolate of the Christian family is not just wishful thinking, but the living necessity of the Church that in the name of Christ wants to transform the contemporary world. The family internally united and open to the neighbors makes Christ’s Church present everywhere it lives and acts.


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