The Personalistic Current in Religious Education

  • Piotr T. Goliszek The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: person; catechesis; personalizm; catechetics; method


The personalistic profiling of the catechetic didactics puts the category of "person” in the core of its teaching methodology, and of its all educative and initiation efforts. This approach to religious education also adopts personalistic understanding of the Revelation and the faith, thanks to which religious education builds a community of people united around the Person of Jesus Christ. This community allows for the unique form of dialogue between God and man. The nature of this dialogue is soteriological: the personal worlds of God and man overlap, which allows man to cling fully – as a person and as an existence – to the redeeming Truth – Jesus Christ. In its personalistic dimension, religious education serves man in the reality and of his/her existence. It leads to a personal communion with Christ, it supports man on his/her path towards self-comprehension and self-development, which makes man self-realize him/herself as a person, makes him/her grow and thrive.


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