Reinforcement sensitivity and jealousy in romantic relationships
Jealousy is an adaptive emotional reaction that signals threat to the current romantic relationship and motivates the person to protect that relationship. Given that jealousy is a mechanism of sensitivity to signals of relational threat, it was predicted that neurobiological systems of fight-flight- -freeze (FFFS) and behavioral inhibition (BIS) would be positively correlated with emotional jealousy. It was also predicted that these associations would be stronger in individuals highly committed to their relationships. We examined the mediatory role of approach-avoidance social goals in relations between BIS, FFFS, behavioral activation system (BAS), and the experience of jealousy. The present study was conducted on a group of 217 participants aged between 17 and 36 years, involved in romantic relationships. The results showed that the sensitivity of BIS and the freeze system (FFFS) was correlated positively with the intensity of jealousy. Commitment appeared to moderate the relations between FFFS and the intensity of jealousy. Avoidance social goals mediated the relation between BIS and the intensity of jealousy.
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