A Polish Adaptation and Validation of the Positive–Negative Relationship Quality (PN-RQ) Scale


The Positive–Negative Relationship Quality (PN-RQ) scale is used to test the quality of close relationships, taking into account their positive and negative dimensions. The aim of our study was to check the factor structure and criterion validity of the Polish version of this scale, and the possibilities offered by two-dimensional estimation of relationship quality. The validation study involved 740 people (369 female and 371 male) who were in romantic relationships. In addition to the PN-RQ scale, the respondents completed two other relationship quality measures: the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS) and the Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR) attachment questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the bi-factor model is suitable for the multidimensional nature of PN-RQ. The results showed the following: high internal consistency of the subscales and the entire scale; compliance with the results obtained with RAS; the possibility of a nuanced assessment of the quality of close relationships, also taking into account the unique differences that arise as a result of anxious or avoidant attachment. The Polish version of the PN-RQ scale is characterized by good psychometric properties and measurement sensitivity; it could be useful in both research and clinical diagnostics.


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