The organization of continued professional development

  • Ype H. Poortinga Tilburg University, Netherlands School of Humanities
Keywords: assessment; Continued Professional Development (CPD); European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA); EuroPsy


This comment fully endorses the need for Continued Professional Development (CPD) expressed in the lead article. A possible discrepancy is noted with the EuroPsy regulations and a few questions are raised.


EFPA. Europejska Federacja Towarzystw Psychologicznych (2013a). EuroPsy: European Certificate in Psychology. Bruksela: EFPA.
EFPA. Europejska Federacja Towarzystw Psychologicznych (2013b). EFPA Review model for the description and evaluation of psychological and educational tests. Version 4.2.6. Bruksela: EFPA.
Evers, A. (2012). The internationalization of test reviewing: Trends, differences, and results. International Journal of Testing, 12, 136-156.
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Lunt, I., Peiro, J. M., Poortinga, Y. H. i Roe, R. (2014). EuroPsy: Standards and quality in education for psychologists. Berno: Hogrefe Verlag.