Quest religion and religious fundamentalism: Two dimensions of religious orientations in empirical studies

  • Tomasz Besta University of Gdańsk
  • Magdalena Błażek University of Gdańsk
Keywords: religiousness; religious fundamentalism; anxiety; locus of control


Three empirical studies were conducted (N = 64, 170, 166) to test the relationship between religious fundamentalism, quest religion, locus of control, social desirability, trait anxiety and self-concept clarity. As in previous studies, religious fundamentalism was found to be negatively related to quest religion. External locus of control was a significant predictor of religious fundamentalism, but not of quest religion, and mediated the relationship between trait anxiety and religious fundamentalism. In Study 3, self-concept clarity was found to be related to quest religion but not to religious fundamentalism. Consequences of these findings for empirical research on religiousness are discussed.


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