Psychological conceptions of areligious experience

  • Józef Król Opole University
Keywords: religious experience; conceptions of a religious experience; psychology of religion


The article presents psychological conceptions of a religious experience.

The first part presents three definitions of an experience: 1) the empirical concept of an experience – an experience is a sensual perception and its mental processing; 2) the phenomenological concept of an experience – anything given directly to subconsciousness constitutes the object of an experience; 3) the hermeneutical concept of an experience – an experience is a process, a „movement” of consciousness – which leads to comprehension of sometfing, to a particular insight.

The second part of the article presents two conceptions of a religious experience: 1) phenomenological conception of a religious experience; 2) hermenutical conception of a religious experience. The latter pays particular attention to the dialogic, historical and linguistic character of a religious experience.


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