Feature games: Presentation and psychological analysis of the phenomenon in H. Hermans's theory of valuation

  • Elżbieta Chmielnicka-Kuter Catholic University of Lublin


Participation in feature games is one of the manifestations of imaginary activity. It consists in creating fictive figures, which become partners of internal dialogues. Hubert Hermans's theory of valuation is a theoretical and methodological background for the research on this kind of phenomena. The theory belongs to the narrative trend in psychology.

The point of departure for the studies were the following questions: 1) relations between personality traits of the players and their experiences, and the properties and manner by which the experiences of their imagined figures were organized, 2) the importance of an imagined figure for the internal dynamism of the self. Fifteen participants of the feature games have been tested by means of H. Hermans's Method of Confrontation with Self and Adjective Check List by H. G. Gough and A. B. Heilbrun. Thus obtained idiographic material allows us to conclude that the imagined person is a separate, although linked with the „self” of a person, centre of organization in self, and is an opportunity to explore new kinds of experience.


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