Accepting the Perspective of the Spouse as Regards his or her Momentous Decision

  • Marzena Ożarowska Instytut Psychologii WSP, Bydgoszcz
  • Wojciech Ożarowski Instytut Psychologii WSP, Bydgoszcz


The research sought to answer the question whether the duration of a marital relationship affects the spouse's ability to accept his or her partner's perspective. This has been done on the basis of the process of a momentous decision.

25 couples have been examined in each of the three different stages of marital life (group A = 0-4 years of marital life, group B = 5-18 years and group C = more than 18 years). They all varied as regards the number of children. The data have been gathered by means of three questionnaires for examining momentous decisions, referring to three perspectives (simple, metaperspective and meta-metaperspective), all of them based on the determined domains of the decision-making process. In order to study essential differences between the results test x2 has been used. Taking into consideration the degree of the agreement of beliefs between the spouses as regards the duration of their marriage, t-Student test has been used.

The duration of marriage has turned out to be an essential factor as regards awareness and usefulness. Assuming meta- and meta-metaperspective has turned out to be most varied among the couples who have lived together the longest time. At the sam time this group was most capable of accepting the partner's perspective.


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