The theory of psychological types in the psychology of religion and spirituality
The main objective of this paper is to present the current state of empirical research on the application of the theory of Jungian types to the psychology of religion and spirituality, pointing out the necessity of broadening them by including Polish context. The paper presents an outline of this theory and the methods of studying these types (MBTI, KTS, FPTS) used in religion and spiritual-ity. Next, the author presents the results of research on the relation between aspects of the theory of psychological types and the religiosity variables, prayer, and spirituality of individuals as well as groups and centers connected with religion and spirituality. The paper concludes with comments concerning the most important empirical findings and their value for science and practice. A need for research aimed at the verification and generalization of the obtained results with reference to the modern reinterpretations of Jung’s theory and methods of studying personality is also pointed out.
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