A Polish adaptation of Monika Ardelt’s Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS)
The article outlines the results of academic endeavors to develop a Polish adaptation of Monika Ardelt’s Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS). The results obtained using the Polish version are comparable to those obtained using the original research instrument, which proves that the Polish 3D-WS can be successfully used for research purposes. The Polish adaptation consists of 39 items covering four dimensions: Cognitive, Affective, Self-Awareness, and Empathic. The scale testing procedure involved a research sample consisting of 475 people. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .83 for the entire scale and oscillated between .64 and .77 for the subscales. Over the course of the study, it turned out that some subscales of the Polish 3D-WS can be influenced by sociodemographic factors such as age, sex, and education.
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