The relationship between working memory and emotion regulation strategies

  • Aleksandra Jasielska Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Psychology in Poznań
  • Lech Kaczmarek Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Psychology in Poznań
  • Aleksandra Brońska Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Psychology in Poznań
  • Maria Dominiak Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Psychology in Poznań
  • Karolina Niemier Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Psychology in Poznań
  • Daria Patalas Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Psychology in Poznań
  • Andrzej Sokołowski Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Psychology in Poznań
  • Martyna Tomczak Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Psychology in Poznań
Keywords: working memory; emotion regulation strategies; cognitive reappraisal; positive reappraisal


The article focuses on the results of a study on the relationship between working memory and emotion regulation. The relationship between working memory and emotion regulation is expected to manifest itself especially in situations of applying emotion regulation strategies that engage cognitive resources, such as cognitive reappraisal and positive reappraisal. We assumed that, compared to participants low in working memory capacity, participants high in working memory capacity would report using the above strategies more frequently. In our study (N = 65), the participants completed two questionnaires: the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, as well as a well-validated measure of working memory capacity known as the Operation Span Task. Our hypotheses were confirmed. The results were interpreted in relation to such constructs as temporal organization of emotion regulation strategies, affective flexibility, or forms of reappraisal.


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