On the system of continuing education in psychological assessment in Poland: A discussion summary

  • Maja Filipiak University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw
  • Monika Tarnowska University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw
  • Bartosz Zalewski University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw
  • Władysław Jacek Paluchowski Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Keywords: continuing education; psychological assessment; development of psychological competencies


The paper summarizes the discussion on continuing education in psychological assessment to which the lead article by Filipiak et al., published in Roczniki Psychologiczne (18(2015), No 2, 171-183 pp.), was an invitation. The issues discussed concern the definition of assessment as a service vs. competency, the placement of formal regulations on education at the Polish vs. European level, the contents of education, and the organization of education in the broader context of the psychologist’s professional role, as well as the problem of education in assessment, not only for psychologists. Presenting their stance on the issues discussed, the authors formulate recommendations concerning: (a) systemic solutions for continuing education in psychological assessment, (b) the need to pursue research verifying the usefulness of particular forms of teaching assessment competencies, and (c) the need for promoting the culture of co-operation between practicing and academic psychologists.


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